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Session descriptions

When selfies go right -  Emanuela Pokryfki


Numerous academic studies have indicated a direct correspondence between the interpersonal connection students/teachers and the positive outcome of students’ performance.

How can we make this happen? Technology today allows educators to promote themselves with their students using tools that almost everyone has access to on a daily base, plus some free or almost free web tools.

Let’s learn together how you can become the superstar of your classroom, no matter if it is traditional, blended, or online.

This session will show tools and providelist of applications that you can start using today!

A selfie
aday, keeps students’ insecurities away!


In this sessions participants will learn about:

  *   Web cameras, microphones, and other tools they can use for self-recording

  *   Software for editing their recording

  *   Software for promoting their professional influence with students and parents

  *   Original way to use selfies and recordings in an educational environment

  *   Strategies for
modelingsafe and positive use of selfies with students





Social Justice in the WL classroom - Betsy Paskavan


This will be a workshop on Social Justice in the World Language classroom. I will look at issues around race, identity, gender, forming a community of learners and human rights. There are excellent resources for raising awareness in a language classroom and activities to pull world language students toward consciousness and involvement with transforming a classroom into safe equitable language learning spaces. The class would be conducted in English with an emphasis on lowering the affective filter such that acquisition can take place.








Practice to Perfection - Karen Cafmeyer

 Integrate the practice that students need to master a grammar concept into a full-scale writing project that results in a polished story. Show students how to build from the ground up, learning and revising as they go.”







Virtual reality - Janna Lelchuk


This is a presentation on technology and how it can be used in a language classroom. I will focus mostly on using augmented reality and virtual reality, as well as geo tools for teaching. With augmented reality, teachers will learn how to encode additional information in the alphabet, vocabulary, texts and presentations. With virtual reality, I will show how teachers can take their students on virtual trips not leaving their classroom. I will bring google cardboards for better presentation.





 Scaffolding instruction with theatre - Charles Beattie


In this session, I will share several strategies shared at Goethe Institut's Mach Bloß (k)ein Theater Workshop seminar. These strategies infuse drama games and activities in working with narrative texts with goals of scaffolding the text and having students create a short dramatic play based upon it



The walnut and language education: The artistic use of the two spheres of experiencing language - Solvejg Rogers


This workshop will examine the aspects of the "felt" language vs. the "thought" language and how that affects how we teach world languages. This workshop will also provide an insight into world language education in Waldorf schools.





Lise Falskow 

As a school business partner of the Anchorage School District, and thanks to long-standing support from community sponsors, we can organize opportunities for students and their teachers to meet amazing speakers and host them in their school classrooms and to attend public programs for prime community networking and top-notch global education including Academic WorldQuest and Speed Mentoring.  





Brain-friendly and Student-focused Strategies to Personalize Thematic Units in the World Language Classroom - Kristin Dahl

In this session, I will share activities and techniques that teachers can introduce to bring more creativity, classroom community, student participation, and personal connections to thematic units.  These techniques can be adapted to meet the needs different levels of student proficiency, and will include initial thematic hooks and vocabulary development, brain breaks and movement, writing with sentence and paragraph scaffolding, descriptions and comparisons, a fun tech tool to practice or assess speaking, 2 techniques to visually support oral introduction of information-rich content, a strategy for building students' abilities to formulate and answer questions with each other, a non-fiction reading activity for any sort of article that becomes a poem and ends with art, and finally some hints for ways to structure student led discussions or debates.






Applicable Language:



Language of Presentation:




Content and Purpose:

The presenter will introduce the innovative 3ears website with several Russian videoclip demonstrations, which can be personalized by each instructor and/or student learner and used both in and outside of the classroom with emphasis on reading and listening skills by using authentic interactive transcript texts on-line with various cultural points to strengthen all literacy skills including writing and speaking along with thematic vocabulary building. This highly energizing global project for everyone involved creates opportunities for new materials to be developed in target language videoclips at all levels of language learning. Sharing these clips at the 2018 ACTFL Conference has the exciting potential to reach a wider network of colleagues in the field working on similar interactive projects to build language proficiency with their students. Here is the direct link to the presenter's classroom website: 
Responses are encouraged and appreciated. Enjoy! 


To use the website 3ears and select already produced Russian videoclips for their own classroom or to gather ideas to do this in other target languages

To collaborate with the global 3ears team to create individualized and personalized materials in
thevideoclip interactive transcript format for their own classrooms

To share and to collaborate with other colleagues in order to produce additional target language

Program Guide Description:

The presenter will share experiences, successes, and challenges of introducing interactive texts into a language curriculum having worked closely with 3ears, generating Russian language content at all levels. Interactive videoclip texts strengthen all literacy skills along with thematic vocabulary building to reach higher levels of proficiency. 

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