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Sessions for the 2018 conference

Janna Lelchuk

Technology in the classroom. Focus on augmented reality and virtual tours.


Kristin Dahl

Brain-friendly and Student-focused Strategies to Personalize Thematic Units in the World Language Classroom


Charles Beattie

Scaffolding instruction with theatre


Valerie Ekberg-Brown

Video clip collaboration of Language, Heart, and Soul


Ken Steward

Brain-friendly activities for the WL classroom


Emanuela Pokryfki

When selfies go right


Betsy Paskvan

Social justice in the World Language classroom


Lise Falskow

World Affairs Council


Karen Cafmeyer

Practice to Perfection


Solvejg Rogers

The walnut and language education: The artistic use of the two spheres of experiencing language


Lise Falskow 

On community support


Round Table Discussions:

  • Speaking and Listening strategies, activities, and resources

  • Reading and writing  strategies, activities and resources

  • Formative and Summative assessments: strategies to help teachers reduce grading time




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